In college, my friend and I used to always talk about success and what defines it - was it money, or the accumulation of assets, or power - we had a lot of theories, but eventually it came down to freedom. Freedom to not have to work, or not have to adhere to any set schedule or routine. After we started working fulltime jobs, this philosophy only got more reaffirmed in our heads. So then the theory was solidified - in very simplistic/laymans/exact terms, success for us is defined as the freedom to go for a long drive in a nice car on a tuesday afternoon at 2pm, and have a beer - any tuesday. Silly? Maybe. Awesome? Absolutely.
So I immediately thought about this when I saw this scene set up for me. I couldn't have set it up better. It was tuesday, around 2pm-ish, and they were sitting there - chilling - and having a beer. Ok, so maybe there were tourists like me, but maybe not. They looked way too familiar to be tourists, but anyway - my college concept was realized in front of me. All I have to do now is to strive for it :)